Only you can answer this question!
But we hope that you learned that coding is creative and fun, and that JavaScript is a great way to create art online with your friends.
The short answer, is that creative code is when coding is used to make something expressive instead of something functional. For example, a video or a light sculpture, or a song.
You could show your friend some of the Vidcodes you made, and explain how your code is affecting your video. Points out the values, or numbers and colors, in your code.
The short answer, is that creative code is when coding is used to make something expressive instead of something functional. For example, a video or a light sculpture, or a song.
You could show your friend some of the Vidcodes you made, and explain how your code is affecting your video. Points out the values, or numbers and colors, in your code.
In effects.noise.amount = 15; effects is an object.
An object is a sort of container for information in JavaScript.
In real life, a phone is an object.
A phone has properties like type and color, and methods like call and text.
A property lives inside an object, and changes information about it.
In effects.noise.amount = 15; both noise and amount are properties.
The objects and properties, like effects and noise, are part of a JavaScript library that's using code to change a canvas, which is the HTML5 element where your video is playing.
As you go through more Vidcode lessons, you'll learn about other JavaScript elements, like arrays and variables, that can change your video as well.
We've provided some answers, but we want to see what you and your friend come up with! Only check the answers once you've done to compare. Don't worry about whether or not they're wrong or right, we want to know what you think!
Fill out all the questions on your own to see the answers.
What did you learn during this Hour of Code?
How would you explain creative coding to your friend?
What else, besides video effects, can you make with code?
What is an object in JavaScript?
In effects.noise.amount = 15; effects is an object
What is a property? How does it relate to an object?
How did you use objects and properties to change your videos today?